Greek Philologist and Linguist Thomais Sioura (1986) had an
innovative idea for a mobile app which was recently brought to life: an Ancient
Greek to English mobile app dictionary.
After four years of research, and a wealth of information
from a thorough and comprehensive study of many outstanding auxiliary tools in
respecting to the Ancient Greek language, Sioura composed an ongoing Ancient
Greek to English database. It includes 120.000 lemmata, 2.000 words and
phrases, 10.000 conjugated verbs, 30.000 multiple choice questions for grammar
practice, basic language theory and more. That database is the core of
“Mentora”, an ancient Greek to English dictionary app, created by Sioura and a
team of experts, for both Android and iOS mobile devices.
How does the app work?
Mentora is divided in four sections: Search, Phraseology,
Basics and Practice
S e a r c h: Mentora offers basic and important information
for over 120.000 words in poetic texts of the Archaic and Classical periods,
prose Classical texts, poetry and prose from the Hellenistic until the late
P h r a s e o l o g y: The subscriber can see common phrases
of the Ancient Greek language by browsing through a catalogue of over 2.000
Words and Phrases with their specific, idiomatic or metaphoric meaning.
B a s i c language theory allows the subscriber to study the
basics for the alphabet, phonemes, letters, accents, breathing, words,
syllabification, accentuation rules and punctuation marks.
P r a c t i c e: The subscriber can take Ancient Greek tests
and practice through multiple choice questions in the accentuation, vocabulary
and grammar.
“Mentora” aims to be an educational tool for the study of
the Ancient Greek, Christian and early Byzantine language and literature.
“Mentora” will be marketed as of September.
Quote of this post: Learn the Ancient Greek Language!